Monday, June 11, 2012

Facial Masks / Crazy girls night

So the other night my friend calls me up and said "lets do something". We really didn't have anything fun to do and where we live there isn't really much going on. I decided to stop by Ulta and pick up a few facial masks and of course I could not forget the wine (moscato castello del poggio). It is the Moscato wine at Olive Garden. And it's honestly the best wine that I've ever had. I still like trying other wines. The night was fun. It was filled with prank calling ex boyfriends, current boyfriends and constant laughing. I'm sure the wine had nothing to do with it... I'm serious because we all only had one glass... we are just that crazy on our own Grape seed extract- It had a stronger scent and seemed to be a normal mask. Kristen tried this one out first. When you put it on your skin it feels like a sticky gel. When it starts drying you can feel the tightness in your face. You can also see all the wrinkles in your face. I feel like a baby would have wrinkles when this masks dries on their face haha. Once try after about 15 minutes she pulled the mask off. We looked for impurities on the mask but it was hard to tell because the way the mask kind of shrivels like dead skin once it is pulled off. The Cucumber peel off Mask- This is the first one I tried. It smelled of course like cucumber but the smell didn't linger. This one is similar to the mask above. It also dries after about 10 to 15 minutes. Once it was dry it felt super tight. Once the time was up I peeled the mask off my face. It actually felt kind of good although it did make my eyes water. Do not get this in your eyebrows it will pull them off haha. My skin felt smooth after using it and it didn't have that dry weird feeling. I think it was an over all good mask. Mint Julep Masque- Amber tried this one first. I also tried this one (not the same day). I think this one was my favorite. The smell of mint was relaxing. This mask also dried tight. You could actually see when this mask dry. Once the mask was rinsed off my skin felt clean and not overly dry. I applied moisturizer and I didn't have any breakouts Facial Clay Mask Strawberry and Chocolate- I was overly excited about this because of the smell. I was a little disappointed because the smell fades fast. But I guess I don't want it overly powerful because my skin probably wouldn't like it. Kristen had this mask on when she was in the picture with half cucumber and half strawberry and chocolate. This mask also felt tight and washed off fairly easy. Out of all the masks I have to say I liked the mint mask the best. Now since I embarrassed the girls enough I'll post pics so you can see how gorgeous they really are haha:

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