Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Food for my tummy

Almost everyone I know wants to lose weight. Even the really skinny people in my life still feel the need to lose a couple pounds. Which I comletely understand. I mean if I weighed 100lbs my whole life and then gained 10lbs I'd probably want to be 100lbs still. Especially if I couldn't fit into my clothes anymore. I used to hate seeing perfectly shaped people out running or working out. The first thing that always came to my mind was "why are they doing that, they don't even need to". Well now I realize everyone needs to workout to be healthy... fat or skinny. So I no longer think like that. I'm like good for them! I don't think I'm fat by any means but I do think that I could be healthier. I weigh 136 on a good day (I recently lost 8lbs.) In high school I weighed 130. The smallest I've ever been was probably 105... maybe less than that when I was smaller I didn't weigh myself. That was in about 2003 and I stayed that weight for a couple years and then rounded off at about 113. 113 is my happy weight, I'm most comfortable there. So that is where I am headed. So to get there I've been working out 3 to 4 days a week. I started with two days a week and then worked my way up. Eventually I'd like it to be 5. I think I lost 8lbs in two weeks. I started working out at Survival Fitness. I'm not one to push myself so joining the gym was the way to go. Now on to eating. While at work it's gotten a lot easier for me to eat better. They pop fresh popcorn here like every hour so at first it was hard to resist. I probably had a bucket full of popcorn each day my first month of starting work. But now it doesn't even bother me to smell it. I eat every 2 to 3 hours depending on when I'm hungry. I make sure to have a good sized lunch (note the picutres above or below haha where ever they put them). I eat breakfast at home (cereal with silk milk of skim milk). Then around 10 I have cottage cheese or egg whites. At noon I have lunch... the picture above is what I'm having today. Sometimes it will be a turkey sandwhich with a side of pickels and some other random side. Then around 3 I have another snack: hard boiled eggs or tuna and chips... My co-workers love the smell haha (actually they can't smell it). When I get home, I eat whatever is made for me by the boy and he always cooks healthy. It's the weekends that kill me. I alway have lunch with my mom and go out to eat with friends. But honeslty I'm not on a diet so when I want to eat something I eat it. If I want Olive Garden... I'm going to eat Olive Garden. I've just been making small changes for now and it's been working. A few things I won't give up: Pickles and Coffee with creamer (not mixed together of course). So this is what I have been doing for the past 2 weeks. 8lbs in two weeks isn't bad but I haven't weighed myself because someone hid my scale :/

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